• 07/22/2024


      • Added ability to create port categories for component outputs to organize them.

      • Added control to inspect values for different loops of a component when inspecting component instances.

      • Added Enable port to Time and Device Time patches so that they can be turned off when not needed.

      • Added ability to click on bound ports to go to the binding patch when inside a linked component.

      • Added ability to view text values in popover when inside linked components.


      • Allow hitting Escape to cancel shift-dragging connections.
      • JSON formatted as text will no longer have trailing commas and text values in objects and arrays will be properly quoted.
      • Fixed appearance mismatch for Dark/Light Mode in the iOS Keyboard.
      • Combined “Replace With” and “Replace With…” into one item in the patch contextual menu.
      • Fixed the “search” button not working while entering link components in full patch graph mode.

    • Version 171

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      • Close color picker when clicking on the color well again.
      • Add scrubbing and keyboard gestures to RGBA controls on color picker.
      • Fix issues with popovers sometimes not showing the right value.
      • Fix orientation issues with some Exif metadata on images.

    • Version 170.1

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      • Fixed issues with layout spacing on groups with percentage sizing. This also fixed an issue with center-aligned grid-based layout groups being shifted upwards by half the vertical spacing.
      • Correctly resize comments when zoomed.
      • Correctly update layer binding/output patches when layer name changes.
      • Improved performance on Convert Position Patch.

    • Version 169

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      • Greatly improved logic for patches that depend on computing the length of long text values.

    • Version 168

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      • Ability to preview JSON Ports.
      • Select all text on inspector text fields on first edit.

    • Version 167

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      • Layers are now inserted/pasted inside selected groups by default and above other layers.

      • A new Paste Over Selection option is available to paste above the selected group.


      • When inspector is first on focus, it will select a text field
      • When editing comment patch, escape now exits edit mode.

    • Version 166

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      • Ability to show/hide Point Of Interest on the Static Map Layer.


      • Fix text inputs not being able to position a cursor on a specific character.
      • End Comment editing when hitting ESC key.
      • Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when closing the document.

    • Version 165

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      • Fix issue when sometimes cannot select an enum option from patches.

    • Version 164

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      • Fix issue with double click not working on the patch picker cells.
      • Fix color palettes on system colors.

    • Version 163

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      • Improve performance of the JSON popover.

      • Improve performance on the Layer List while the Patch Library is loading.


      • Fix double selection issue with Patch Picker.
      • Fix Patch Picker not inserting patches on first launch.
      • Fix Patch Picker deselecting rows while loading.
      • Fix Layer List missing selection while the Patch Library is loading.
      • AUTO would show on Components that support it.
      • Fix Max Faces not being respected by Face Detection Patch.
      • Fix focus issue after renaming a patch.
      • Correct corner radius labels on patches.
      • Fix clicking on wireless receivers to jump to broadcasters.
      • Enforce max/min values on Effects to avoid undefined behaviors.

    • Version 161

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      • Fix issue with recording settings not showing.
      • Fix some UI issues.

    • Version 160

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      • Connections will now snap to the closest port, making it easier to connect patches.

      • Warning users to upgrade old files, for more information see fb.watch/q0IdovRxjH/


      • Fixed issue with wrong offset when drawing on an Artboard that is not presented.
      • Fix right-click on Canvas layers sometimes not working.

    • Version 159

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      • Added Advanced Recording options (Ability to specify codec and quality).


      • Fixed bug when trying to publish a system with a version starting at 0.
      • Improved spacing in warning labels when publishing a system to avoid being cut.
      • Fix unbounded color values.
      • Fix crash when large amounts of patches were shown on screen.

    • Version 156

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      • Enter into a component without having to unlink it! You can access this feature by double clicking a patch or layer component, or selecting the component and using the shortcut (Control+Option+Down), or right-clicking and “Inspect Instance”.

      • New Component Publishing Flow


      • Fix bug with Canvas text clipping
      • Fix bug with recording resizable window
      • General canvas bug fixes.

    • Version 155

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      • Improve media patch design to be more readable

      • Improve navigation from patch to layer


      • Fix undo/redo bug where resizing components causes the component to jump
      • Fix blurry text rendering on macOS 14 (Sonoma).
      • Fix bug when resizing layer, the selection box handle are misaligned
      • Fix bug with unlinking components to cause conflict
      • Fix bug with measurement guides not updating when moving the layer with keys
      • Fix transparent background to have the checkered background
      • Fix canvas screen size

    • Version 154

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      • Added three new entry points for opening patch picker to make it easier and more accessible.


      • Fix Material 3 curves component.
      • Fix blurry text rendering on macOS 14 (Sonoma).

    • Version 153

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      • Removed lower contrast patch styles from Experiments. Made lower contrast the default styling and added a high contrast preference.

      • Improve patch port highlighting. Now when a port is selected, only highlight connections to/from it not the entire patch.

      • Updated how patches look when dimmed. Patches that are dimmed now have an opaque background so they are still legible when overlapping other patches.

      • Value at Index, Value at Path and Value for Key now support multiple types.


      • Improve theme rendering in Sonoma.
      • New documents don’t appear edited on start.
      • Fix Canvas centering.
      • Fix Memory leak.
      • Add border on toast notification.

    • Version 152

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      • Text style ranges applied to text with emojis will properly now count the emojis as one character.
      • Fixed some rendering issues for rows in the asset manager window.

    • Version 151

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      • Fix clickability/hover bug in canvas

    • Version 150

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      • Add Sublayer Container deletion validation to prevent deleting when component instances have sublayers that would end up hidden.

      • Added support for multipart/form-data content type in Network Request patch and added support for passing media through JSON patchesj to upload files via the Body input.


      • Fix bug with video player buttons not appearing after recording an prototype
      • Fix bug where measurement tool is visible in Viewer when enabled
      • Fix bug with crashing Origami with some JSON data

    • Version 149

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      • Added support for Sound and Video types in the Network Request patch.


      • Fix tiled images not updating values after the first time.
      • Fixes mouse getting lost when closing Viewer window.
      • Fix crash related to mouse cursor and color picker.
      • Prevent crash on JSON when using large integer numbers.
      • Fix interface orientation on the Fake Keyboard.
      • Fix crash on lottie files that include After Effects expressions.

    • Version 148

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      • Added support for longer network requests by disabling timeout.

      • Improved Javascript console and added the ability to clear messages.

      • Add a way to edit text values in a popover.

      • Removed support for the old Origami System Maker file format. See documentation for migration or use an older version of Origami Studio.

      • Removed quick interactions from Canvas..


      • Fix incorrect loop output evaluation on JS patches after a restart.

    • Version 147

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      • Added Encode/Decode patch support for Sound type.

      • Added preference to specify pasted image origin scale to settings, replacing rarely used popover when pasting.


      • Fix JavaScript Console message overlap.

    • Version 146

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      • Access Image types from JS Patch.


      • Fixed issue where layers might not render if a child of a layer hidden from start of prototype running.

    • Version 145

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      • Opening a Pattern doesn’t prompt to upgrade components anymore.

    • Version 144

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      • Support for Lottie animations.

      • Remember the last tab selected on Color Picker.


      • Fixed issue with duplicated external components.
      • Stop playing animated gifs on patch previews.
      • Fix minimize viewer window on Desktop prototypes.

    • Version 143

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      • New Patch Redesign.


      • Fixed issue where binding to the text port would clear text style overrides.
      • Fixed issue where replacing Loop Builder with Option Picker (and similar replacements) would drop input values.
      • Fixed issue when copy+paste the component in the same file caused the main component to be duplicated.
      • Fixed instance counts when unlinking components.
      • Fixed the order of some loop patches outputs that were inconsistent.
      • Fixed issue with scale change for Particle System not working.

    • Version 142

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      • General bug fixes and improvements.

    • Version 141

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      • General bug fixes and improvements.

    • Version 140

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      • General bug fixes and improvements.

    • Version 139

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      • General bug fixes and improvements.

    • Version 138

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      • Modifier keys (command, control, option, shift) on right side of keyboard now work with keyboard input patch.
      • Modifier keys no longer end up stuck in “pressed” state if pressed while the viewer window loses focus.
      • Fixed an issue in Ventura with multiple videos becoming frozen in prototypes.

    • Version 137

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      • New and improved logic for component creation.


      • Improve network images caching.
      • Improve video pipeline initialization for macOS Ventura.
      • Improved performance by reusing layers when prototype reloads.

    • Version 136

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      • Layer Search enables searching by layer name and filtering by various types. Access via the bottom of the layer panel.


      • Update Soft Keyboard to support all iPhone 14 devices.
      • Fix crash when filtering examples on the Welcome Window.
      • Fix issue where the color picker would show an old/incorrect color.
      • Fix issue where loop behavior in the component details popover would not persist.

    • Version 135

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      • We have bumped the minimum supported macOS version from 10.15 to 11.0.

      • Access custom system colors through the color picker.


      • Added CMD+SHIFT+A to deselect all patches.
      • Fix text styles when live editing text in canvas
      • Fix crash with unlooping components also looped by parent layer

    • Version 134

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      • General bug fixes and improvements.

    • Version 133

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      • Fix problem with missing resource due to unknown extension.
      • Fix uncollapse layer section for new documents.
      • Fix component preview generator with all default values.
      • Fix component previews that were blank images.
      • Avoid showing the missing resources dialog all the time.

    • Version 130

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      • Added iPhone 14 devices


      • Fixed a crash with opening Layer insert menu
      • Added missing icons for Layer Picker
      • Updated iOS Components to use the existing iOS prefix
      • Updated template with new Material Components

    • Version 129

      Download Version



      • Fix inspector bindings lost after upgrading a component.
      • Fix reset position when disabling scroll patch.

    • Version 128

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      • Component layer list now shows the number of instances of a component.

      • Added enum support for JavaScript patch.


      • Fix problem with network requests images having duplicates.
      • Improved performance of layer map.
      • Disable browse all versions as it doesn’t work and caused a sure crash.
      • Better placement of the low-battery warning on iOS Viewer.
      • Fix eye drop grid in color picker for 1x displays.
      • Fix color picker eye drop when using multiple displays.

    • Version 127

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      • Improved Icon input experience when Publishing a System.

      • Additional asset details are now available on the Asset Manager.


      • Fix recording flow getting stuck when stopped quickly.
      • Updated recording spinner dimensions and position.
      • Fix crash on JS patch in certain situations with loopAware.
      • Fix double logging on JS Patch console.
      • Enable next field tab in the color picker.

    • Version 126

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      • Released the new JavaScript patch allowing the use of JavaScript logic in prototypes.

      • Publish Components menu item is now enabled inside components.

      • Origami remembers the last published directory when exporting local components.

      • Added separation between layers and patches when publishing a system.

      • Added a preview image for patch components when publishing a system.

    • Version 125

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      • Add Smooth Corner Radius (Squircles)


      • Fix shadows on independent corner radius.
      • Fix borders missing when independent corner radius are set.

    • Version 123

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      • Manually check for new versions of local components without reopening your file using Component > Check for Local Component Updates


      • Fixed issue where ports couldn’t be rearranged in the Component Popover Editor.
      • Fixed problem that hide Components with platform set to “All“.

    • Version 122

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      • View where assets are being used within Asset Manager

      • Allow to duplicate layer outputs.

      • Option to invert zoom direction.


      • Fix virtual sublayers that got into inconsistent states and prevent them from happening.
      • Prevent scroll patch to jump to a different page when overshooting on the opposite direction.
      • Fix issue with scroll patch jumping erratically after being disabled.

    • Version 121

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      • Ability to screen share Origami Studio on Zoom.
      • Fix initial state on the Color Picker when it starts on clear color.
      • Low-battery mode warning on iOS Viewer.
      • Fix wrong Editor color conversions when alpha is 0.
      • UI Fixes to Asset Manager.
      • Fixes a crash on hidden Toolbar buttons when the window width is smaller.
      • Fixes an issue where patches new names were not being updated.
      • Fix bug in comparison patches ignoring additional ports.
      • Fix bug with backwards connections causing incorrect values.

    • Version 120

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      • Bumped minimum supported macOS version to 10.15 and iOS to 13.4.

      • Ability to copy/paste ports from the Component Popover Editor.

      • Added brand new asset manager.

      • Spring Animation now supports other types like Point and Color.


      • Fix issue where bindings lost their name.

    • Version 119

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      • Ability to copy/paste ports from the Component Popover Editor.

      • Inputs and Outputs (purple patches) are now placed in the center of the screen when created.


      • Fix problem when copy-pasting some components ended up duplicating the main component instead.
      • Fix nameless components.

    • Version 118

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      • Avoid prompting for upgrade components when there haven’t been any changes.
      • Fix conversion types for Set Value For Key and JSON Object patches.

    • Version 117

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      • Avoid Viewer getting stuck in the wrong orientation.
      • Support Slow animations in Cubic Bezier animation.
      • Improve Call out layer on hover to show the first index of a loop by default.
      • Fix bug where unable to reopen value popover sometimes.
      • Fix vector port arrow-key scrubbing.
      • Focusing on the copied layer when option-dragging layers.
      • Fix a crash when attempting to edit a live file.
      • Fix viewer inset when Canvas is collapsed.
      • Fix issue with changing multiple layer anchors while maintaining position.
      • Avoid hairline in minimized viewer.
      • Fix capture video issue after refresh prototype.
      • Fix issue with being able to loop sublayer container in unlooped components.
      • Fix v116 missing looped layers in certain circumstances.
      • Fix pasting components to another file sometimes blocks the app.
      • Fix problem with misplaced patches in the patch graph.

    • Version 116

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      • Added new patches and a port in the inspector for applying effects to layers.


      • Fixed issue with option-drag duplication of layers in Canvas moving original layers instead of duplicates
      • Fixed issue with snippet patch graph preview not rendering.
      • Fixed hairline displaying over Viewer window when minimized.
      • Fixed issue with scrubbing vector ports in patch graph not working properly.
      • Fixed some potential performance issues in patch graph rendering.

    • Version 115

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      • Ports in the patch graph can now expand to show more content.


      • Fixed issue with text cursor not showing while editing.
      • Fixed issue with prototypes rendering in wrong orientation on Origami Live.
      • Prevent the Text style patch from overriding the text layer color.
      • Fixed issue where the patch picker was not displaying the docs.
      • Fixed memory issues that may have resulted in a slow down over time.
      • Prevent the scroll patch from displaying out-of-bounds index.

    • Version 114

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      • Keyboard Patch now supports Arrow keys and other key presses like Shift, CapsLock, Control, Option, Command, Escape, Delete, and Tab.

      • Added Safe Area to Device Info

      • Added better support for four-dimensional values including Point 4D, Edges, and Corner Radius as pack/unpack patches and in type-variant patches.


      • Prevent Origami from running out of file descriptors while looking for mirroring devices
      • Avoid multiple reconnects while looking for mirroring devices

    • Version 113

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      • Blend modes for layers

      • Added support for Airpods motion tracking in the Device Motion patch (only available on iOS devices).

      • Add hover to layer preview icon on patches

      • Add more levels of zoom in the Patch Editor

      • Looped layers show in Hover state.


      • Fix missing input count drag handle after Replace With
      • Better shape boundaries computation
      • Fix crash in Patch Picker due to bad memory management
      • Disable menus View > Zoom In and Zoom out if you can't zoom in our out respectively
      • Improved gesture patch hit test logic

    • Version 111

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      • Minor bug fixes.

    • Version 110

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      • Updated Game Controller patch to support progress values on L2/R2 buttons.

      • Continued to improve performance of various patches.


      • Fixed issue where double clicking on ports could cause you to enter a component.
      • Fixed issue with peer-to-peer sharing of prototypes in Origami Live.
      • Improvements on Virtual Soft Keyboard.

    • Version 109.1

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      • New properties to have more control over the soft keyboard.

      • Embedded Virtual Soft Keyboard in viewer, no need for “Fake Keyboard” patch anymore.

      • Ports are expanded when hovering over and editing them


      • Fixed issue with type context menu when right-clicking a non-selected patch
      • Fixed issue with gesture recognizers not registering on patches
      • Fixed issue with patches not laying out properly in patch graph
      • Fixed issue with scroll view snapping on left and right drag pan
      • Fixed issue with interface orientation not being respected after refresh
      • Fixed issue where patches were being inserted in the wrong position
      • Fixed issue with suggested patches having incorrect type
      • Fixed issue with not being able to select system colors in Color Picker
      • Fixed issue with Sublayer Containers not being added to Component groups

    • Version 108

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      • Minor bug fixes.

    • Version 107

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      • Audio Metering working for videos.

      • Snippets, which make adding precomposed sets of patches a breeze.

      • Duplicate ports by right-clicking in the component info menu.

      • Added improved previews for JSON value types in port values.


      • Recordings on Origami have a more accurate starting time.
      • Audio Metering Patch now works correctly on iOS devices.
      • Improved canvas draw behavior.
      • System maker improvements.
      • Right-clicking a patch to change its type no longer affects the wrong patch.
      • Using the snapshot patch no longer leaves the renderer in a bad state.
      • Video playback no longer gets stuck when paused.
      • Image and video previews now correctly show up in loop inspector popover.
      • Origami no longer runs at an inconsistent frame rate on slower displays.

    • Version 104

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      • Adds iPhone 13 Devices and reduces size of the previous devices.

      • Improves caching from network requests.

      • Improved Performance for Patch Port Views.

      • More patches are loop aware now.

      • Added Deceleration Rate to Scroll Settings


      • Avoid crash when undoing unlinking component.
      • Fixes on strike through Text for iOS 15.
      • Updates on Photo Library Patch, to avoid image flickering.

    • Version 103

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      • Vertical Split View Preference.

      • Renderer Sparse Updates for improved performance.


      • Avoid crash when undoing unlinking component.
      • Fixes on strike through Text for iOS 15.
      • Updates on Photo Library Patch, to avoid image flickering.

    • Version 102

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      • Performance improvements
      • Fix memory leaks

    • Version 101

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      • Origami now automatically removes duplicate resources to reduce file size.


      • Locally added Origami systems should now show up properly in the preferences pane.

    • Version 100

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      • Keyboard shortcut to reorder ports in patches with multiple inputs like Loop Builder, Option Picker, Math, and Logic Patches, etc. Use Cmd + [↑ or ↓] or Cmd + Shift + [↑ or ↓] for moving ports up or down. Pressing Shift will move to the top or bottom of the list of ports of the same type.


      • Updated Samsung Devices (S10, S10+, S20 and S20+).
      • Saving close to 20% of space in Origami binary size.
      • Performance improvements.
      • Fixes a crash when deleting main components.

    • Version 99

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      • No longer setting autocomplete value multiple times on selection
      • Various performance improvements in engine
      • Fixed canvas manipulation bug when anchor point was center (or not top-left)
      • JavaScript patch multi-threading fix
      • GPS/Location Services potential bug fixed
      • Patch library loading improvements
      • Layer rasterization improvements
      • Virtual sublayer port syncing fixes
      • Canvas text field improvements and fixes
      • Deleting main component crash fix
      • Never-ending layout fix involving backwards edges

    • Version 98

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      • Layers sizes can now be set to a percentage of their parent size, such as 100% width or 50% height.

      • Swap a layer or a patch for a different one by right clicking and selecting “Replace with”. This is useful for replacing instances with an alternative component.

      • Container Components. Components can now contain sublayers via the “Sublayer Container” layer and write and read from them using its “Virtual Sublayer”. This allows you to create off-the-shelf container components, such as a grid layout component or transition component.


      • Canvas manipulation problem when layers have an anchor point different from top-left.
      • Text attribute merging issues.
      • Improve Resource management (backwards incompatible change)
      • Avoid crash with enum without options.
      • Avoid some random crashes on the renderer when moving layers to different parents inside components.
      • UI bugs on Patch picker. Buttons flickering and buttons showing when they shouldn't.
      • Avoid crash if document component is not found for system.
      • Fix bug where the process of removing a bounded layer port patch and then re-inserting causes the inspector to not update.
      • Added equals exactly to the to comparable replaceable.

    • Version 97

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      • Big performance improvement on data patches.


      • Missing resources does not block file opening.
      • More consistent conversion from JSON type to Number.
      • Improvements in Wireless broadcasters renaming.

    • Version 94

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      • Searching patches now animates the scroll to the patch for better frame of reference of where you are in the patch graph.

      • Alignment options respects comments if a comment is selected in the patch graph.

      • JSON, quick interactions, and component input/output patches are arranged more clearly in the patch graph.

      • Double-click insertion on input ports now pushes over patches to make room, just like for output port double-click insertion.


      • In some rare scenarios, Tidy Up would not run on all patches selected. Update ensures that all patches selected are cleaned up.
      • Fixes dark mode appearance for variable deletion window.
      • When dragging a connection toward the bottom of a patch, an extra port can be created. That port is now removed if it is not connected to.

    • Version 92

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      • Patch autolayout option is now called “Tidy Up” and includes a shortcut (Control+T) for quick usage.

      • Value tracing improved for transition and animation patches.

      • Adds shortcut mappings to the patch context menu items for learnability.


      • Fixes some scenarios from the beta version of “Tidy Up”.
      • Fixes mouse scroll zooming not updating content scale in the patch graph.
      • Clicking on a bound value centers the bound patch instead of the source patch.

    • Version 91

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      • Patch autolayout. (beta)

      • Comments can be resized from any edge/corner..

      • Comments added to selection if selection box intersects header instead of entire comment.

      • Improved performance of patches that work on JSON values.


      • Scroll zooming mapped to command for both canvas and patch graph.
      • Drag over connection insertion gated behind command key.
      • Classic animation patch supports size types.
      • Fixes scrolling problem when taping on other layers.
      • Improve restart patch logic.
      • Fix issue with delayed values on backwards connections.
      • Better handling of missing resources.

    • Version 90

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      • Improved performance in both the engine and the renderer.

      • Improved performance of the math expression patch.


      • Wireless receiver properly resized based on selected broadcaster name.
      • Scroll zooming in patch graph zooms into where the cursor is.
      • Pinch zooming in patch graph fixed.

    • Version 89.1

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      • Added SF Pro to the list of default available fonts.

      • Clicking wireless receiver icon bounces and centers its broadcaster.

      • Middle mouse button panning in canvas and patch graph.

      • Holding command while dragging a connection to a multi-input patch pushes down other connections and values to make room for the inserted connection.

      • Selecting a patch draws it in front of other patches.

      • Drag a single patch over a connection to insert it in between the patches of the old connection.

      • Double-click insertion for ports pushes overlapping patches to the right to make room for the inserted patch.

      • Ungrouping a component selects its ungrouped patches.

      • Clicking on bound values in inspector bounces and centers patch and source patch.


      • Renamed "Canvas & Patch Editor" to "Split View" to prevent toolbar shifting.
      • Adding a binding deselects any currently selected patches.
      • Vector values width fixed in inspector.

    • Version 88

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      • Component patch grouping is smarter about input/output connections.

      • Component Info popover UI updates: inputs are now grouped by category; multiselecting to drag and drop ports, detaching the popover into its own window, and resizing the popover are all supported now.

      • Added millisecond output to the Device Time patch.


      • Scroll zooming behavior fixed for some mouse types while in the patch graph.
      • Various dark mode color fixes.

    • Version 87

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      • Component System Publishing flow: can publish a component system directly inside your document.

      • Dark mode: Origami UI now supports dark mode and defaults to system preference for visual appearance.

      • Add support to Rasterize/Unrasterize layer hierarchies.

      • Improved UX for Tag selection. Tags are now associated to types when creating component ports.

      • New Portal and Portal Mini devices.


      • Comment resizing present in the undo stack and can be undone/redone.
      • Text style patch range fixed.
      • Fix layout for form row dropdown fields in component info popover.
      • Fix undo for patches comment sizing.

    • Version 86

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      • Name splitters based on connected ports.

      • Show layer name for layer outside current container.

      • Better default scale handling for Viewer.

      • Updated aliases for a few patches.

      • Better Dimension/Spacing conversion

      • Allow Components to have examples.


      • Fixing pulse and boolean patch checkbox offset.
      • Fix component creation help URL.

    • Version 85



      • Apple M1 support.

      • Comparison view for upgrading individual components.

      • Show cleaner version number in Studio.

    • Version 84



      • Individual Component upgrades.

      • Builtin patches upgrade automatically now.

      • Improve default window size for ultrawide monitors.

      • Viewer now will warn you when running prototypes in low battery mode.


      • Improved preview generation on components with embedded resources.

    • Version 83



      • Added Window Menu shortcuts for Welcome Window sections, such as Examples and Tutorials.

      • Added support for static preview images in patch documentation.

      • Components upgrade flow is non-blocking on document open and can be accessed through layer list and patch picker.


      • The currently opened file in iOS Viewer is automatically closed when opening a new file so users don’t need to manually close a file in order to open a new one.
      • Make sure Viewer doesn’t start in fullscreen on new documents.
      • Updated When Prototype Starts patch to also fire when newly inserted.

    • Version 82



      • New combined picker for patches and layers.

      • Copy to Figma plugin now include Auto Layout information.

      • New Featured Templates section in the Welcome Window, with general updates to the templates.

      • Support of Auto Sizing on Video Stream Layer.


      • Fullscreen mode doesn't crash when creating a new document.
      • Patches and layers don't get inserted into the wrong window in fullscreen mode.
      • Fix aspect ratio on camera "freeze".
      • Improved tap detection on layers.

    • Version 80



      • Origami gets a new look for macOS Big Sur

      • Improve cables value popover display no longer requiring double click.

      • Progress indicator added to welcome window.

      • Support to the new Apple’s M1 processor.

      • Add Mouse Scrolling support to Mouse patch.

      • Loops of Loops.

      • Added Home, Acceleration and rotation ports support to the Game Controller patch.

      • Layout and Text properties on the Inspector now use Segmented controls instead of dropdown selectors.


      • Fix a problem when copy/pasting fails when copying from a file with missing resources.
      • Fix color for selected patches cables.
      • Fix to a bug where value inspector names were not corresponding to patch name on file open.
      • Value inspector can be opened after being clicked but not detached.
      • Fix issue with components not updating when default values change on inputs.
      • Fix Segmented Controls appearance on the Inspector.
      • Fix layer selection showing a wrong color when clicking patch graph.
      • Fix Value Popover's disappear from Patch Editor on Big Sur.
      • Fix issue where a loop isn’t getting properly passed down (several) layers of components. Layers were not updating on reset.
      • Get canvas video snapshot from the 20% instead of 10% to avoid displaying black frames.
      • Fix haptic feedback with audio context on iOS 13+.
      • Prevent crash sometimes happens when reopening patch picker.
      • Fix crash some users were experiencing when closing the value inspector popover.
      • Fix Camera Content Mode that was making image to appear stretched.
      • Prevent crash happening when quitting the iOS app when mirroring from Studio.
      • Allow to use the Camera + Haptics (only iOS 13+)
      • Fix color picker resetting hue slider
      • Improve Eyedropper performance and Visuals

    • Version 78



      • Preserve wireless receivers when copy/paste

      • Allow to use Haptics and ViewFinder together (only iOS 13+)

      • Allow to drag and drop files from Origami to Finder.

      • Add preference to avoid playing media on Canvas.

      • Allow JSON as an input for Text Attributes.

      • Much improved screen recording performance.


      • Fix device motion problems on device.
      • Fix crash on debug popover when inspecting size types
      • Fix issue with looped components not updating outputs
      • Fix crash when categories mismatch in Components
      • Fix crash after disconnect when mirroring
      • Fix crashes with loop inspector and popovers
      • Fix color picker resetting hue slider
      • Improve Eyedropper performance and Visuals
      • Fix cursor disappearing when resizing Viewer
      • Fix sporadic crash when loading the patch library
      • Improvements in Paste from Figma
      • Fix Viewer Dark Appearance reset after restart
      • Warning message when attempting to add Layers to patch only components.
      • Fix issues with port count Tooltip

    • Version 76



      • New Toolbar enabled by default

      • Loading Output on Image Layer

      • Allow the use of virtual cameras in Studio.

      • Rename Duplicated Layers

      • Improvements on screen recording performance.

      • Ability to edit search keywords on Components


      • One click now selects artboards
      • Allow old compositions with cycles in components to be open
      • Prevent Crash when attempting to edit an AUTO text field
      • Fix haptic playback
      • Fix issue with device motion not updating on device
      • Fix camera crash on viewer when using camera on older devices
      • Fix random select/deselect components on System Maker
      • Bring back the ability to edit components inputs from the Instances
      • Fix issue with components sometimes showing red properties
      • Fix Export with device scale from the layer list
      • Avoid filtering document components by platform
      • Alpha color picker normalized to 0-100
      • Fix bindings not dimmed when a layer is disabled
      • Fix inconsistency on Inspector when a port has the same name and tag
      • Fix crash when attempting to update an Auto field
      • Fix loading output on Encode/Decode Patch
      • Fix crash on setting Italics while text editing
      • Fixed several memory leaks

    • Version 74



      • 🌟 Patch Output Popovers

      • New Interaction Handlers in Canvas

      • Much Improved Patch Picker Documentation

      • 🌟 New Welcome Window with

        • Patterns
        • Examples
        • Tutorials
      • Right click support on Mouse Patch


      • Improved sensibility on CMD+Scroll to zoom on Trackpad like inputs.
      • Viewer Defaults to device size to avoid scaling issues.

    • Version 73



      • 🌟 Dual Camera support on both iOS and macOS

      • More Improvements on prototype recording

      • Improved component cleanup

      • Better heuristics on Smart Layout


      • Fix landscape orientation issues.
      • Fix issues on Text Length and Substring patches with Emojis
      • Fix crash with audio player

    • Version 72



      • New Cursor Patch

      • Improved performance and fidelity on prototype recording.

      • Upgraded Game Controller Patch.

      • CMD+Scroll to Zoom in Canvas.

      • New Custom AHAP https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corehaptics/representing_haptic_patterns_in_ahap_files?language=objc File Support for Haptics Patch

      • Better Artboard positioning when pasting from Sketch or Figma

      • 🌟 New Color Picker, can be enabled in the Experiments tab preferences.

      • Classic Animation and Pop Animation now support different data types like Position.

      • Device Info patch now exposes dark mode.

      • 🌟 Encode/Decode Patches to convert to and from base64.

      • Added current time and duration to the Sound Player patch.

      • Updates to Main Component.

      • Change sets being used on Visual Layout, for a big perf win.

      • Prevent closing JSON Popover when interacting with Viewer.


      • Various fixes on unlinking.
      • Fix potential crash with leaving open a document for a long time.
      • Fix issues with permission access on the Photo Library.
      • Fix crash merging empty text attributes.
      • Added Position to type variants.
      • Scrubbing problems with Async Videos.
      • Fix incorrect handles in Canvas.
      • iOS Screens updated to prevent blocking touches for too long during transitions.
      • Uses previous loop count when layers are not rendered.
      • Text Input is now cleared on reset.
      • Option Equals better type casting.
      • Ability to export as image layers outside artboards.
      • Fixed issue with non-looping Keyframes layers showing first frame instead of last when finished.
      • Fixed issue where image detectors would retain information from previous frame when prototype reset.
      • Crashing on High Sierra for the touch menu.
      • Issue with copy paste missing component dependencies.
      • Text Input not cleared on reset.
      • Paste being reversed.
      • Loop observation.
      • Map crashes with large span.