Add vertical scroll behavior to your designs.
Add logic to your transitions and flows.
Create a series of notifications entirely out of loops.
Scroll through Messenger conversations.
Transition between screens and scrolls in Boomerang.
Set events based on time positions
Tween between position types
Move a layer around the bounds of a frame
Present and drag dismiss a bottom sheet
Animate in content and dismiss on timeout
Scrollable list of cards that expand to fullscreen ontouch
Transition based on pivots and rotations
Use a parent bounds to rotate
Count in increments, decrements or set a value
Combine Equals Exactly and Not for conditions
Create a feedback to increment values
Use And/Or to trigger events
Use math patch to calculate values
Change a state from off to on or toggle
Select one instance in a loop
Select one or more values from a loop
Create a rating using loops
Use exceptions and switches with loops
Duplicate layers and offset properties using an index
A sticky header that stays fixed to the top of the feed whilst scrolling