Audio Metering
Measure the peak volume, current volume, and frequency data (sound wave) of an audio source (Microphone, Audio Layer or Video Layer).
Audio Metering
- Input
- Resolution
- Format
- Peak Volume
- Volume
- Waveform Data
- Input
Metering output from an audio source such as a Microphone patch, Audio Layer, or Video Layer.
- Resolution
The number of loops to return from the Waveform output.
- Format
An enum of the output type to return, either as a percentage from 0 to 1 or as decibels (-160 (silence) to 0).
- Peak Volume
A number of the highest point over time (roughly every 0.5s or so) output as a percent or in decibels.
- Volume
A number of the current volume as a percent or in decibels.
- Waveform Data
A loop of low, mid, and high ranges of the audio output as a percent or in decibels.