
Object Detection

Object Detection

Detect regions in a still image, video, or from a camera stream.

Object Detection

  • Enable
  • Layer
  • Type
  • Region Detected
  • Position
  • Size
  • Error
  • Error Description


A Boolean value that is true when detection is enabled.


An Image or Video layer to search for objects.


Specify the type of detection needed. There are two possible types and both have different use cases:

  1. Object Based. Highlights foreground objects and provides a coarse segmentation of the main subjects in an image. This type can return up to three sets of position and size for the corresponding regions.
  2. Attention Based. If you’re deciding what to keep in an image based on what’s most interesting, use Attention Based type. This type always return only one set of position and size for the region.
Region Detected

A Boolean value that is true when at least one region has been detected.


A Loop of origin positions for each of the detected regions.


A Loop of sizes for each detected regions.


A Boolean value that is true when the detection cannot be performed, one cause could be the OS, as this is only available on macOS 15+ and iOS 13+.

Error Description

Text providing a more detailed explanation for why the detection cannot be performed.