Text Field
An iOS text field that uses the iPhone or iPad native keyboard when running on device.
When no device is connected, use the Fake Keyboard.
Use the Touch button on the component to get information about the text and editing status.
Text Field
- Enable
- Position
- Size
- Anchor
- Text
- Font Name
- Font Size
- Text Alignment
- Color
- Tint Color
- Opacity
- Scale
- Editing - Begin
- Editing - End
- Editing - Set Text
- Placeholder - Text
- Placeholder - Color
- Settings - Keyboard Type
- Settings - Show Clear
- Settings - Secure Text
- Editing
- Text
- Enter Pressed
- Enable
A boolean that is true when the text field is displayed.
- Position
The position to display the text field.
- Size
The size of the text field.
- Anchor
The anchor point to position the text field relative to. See Coordinates for more information.
- Text
A text string to change the text field to. Use Set Text to change the text.
- Font Name
The font name of the text.
- Font Size
The font size of the text.
- Text Alignment
The alignment of typed text in the text field: left, center, right.
- Color
The color of the text.
- Tint Color
The color of the cursor.
- Opacity
The opacity of the text field.
- Scale
The scale of the text field.
- Editing - Begin
A pulse that focuses the text field and shows the keyboard if on an iPhone or iPad.
- Editing - End
A pulse that unfocuses the text field and hides the keyboard if on an iPhone or iPad.
- Editing - Set Text
A pulse that changes the text to the value of the Text input.
- Placeholder - Text
The placeholder text when no text is entered in the field.
- Placeholder - Color
The color of the placeholder text.
- Settings - Keyboard Type
The type of keyboard to use on an iPhone or iPad.
- Settings - Show Clear
The behavior of displaying the clear button: always, unless editing, while editing, none
- Settings - Secure Text
A boolean that represents whether the text should be obfuscated - useful for password fields.
- Editing
A boolean that is true when the text field is focused.
- Text
The current text string in the text field.
- Enter Pressed
A pulse that represents when the return key is pressed.