A pushed iOS notification with customizable app information and messaging.
Use the Touch button on the component to capture when the notification was tapped.
- Present
- Dismiss
- App Icon
- App Name
- Title
- Body text
- Type
- Notification Tapped
- Play Sound
- Present
A pulse that displays the notification.
- Dismiss
A pulse that hides the notification.
- App Icon
An image representing the icon of the app that is delivering the notification.
- App Name
A text string that displays the name of the app that is delivering the notification.
- Title
A text string that displays the subject.
- Body text
A text string that displays more information.
- Type
The type of notification: temporary, persistent.
- Notification Tapped
A pulse that represents when the notification is tapped.
- Play Sound
A pulse that connects to a sound player or sound kit to play a sound when a notification occurs.