Navigation Bar
An iOS navigation bar with customizable left and right actions. It offers large and standard title styles. Add sub-layers to customize the contents of the search bar.
Use the Touch button on the component to capture taps on individual buttons in the navigation bar.
Navigation Bar
- Enable
- Title
- Large Title
- Show Search
- Background
- Tint Color
- Left Action Text
- Left Action Back Arrow
- Right Action Text
- Right Action Style
- Left Tap
- Right Tap
- Search Tap
- Height
- Enable
A boolean that is true when the status bar is displayed.
- Title
A text string that represents the title of the page.
- Large Title
A boolean that is true when the title is using a large title treatment. Turn off when scrolling past the initial state.
- Show Search
A boolean that shows a search field in the navigation bar.
- Background
The color of the navigation bar.
- Tint Color
The color of the left and right text buttons.
- Left Action Text
A text string that represents the title of the left button.
- Left Action Back Arrow
A boolean that displays a back arrow in the left.
- Right Action Text
A text string that represents the title of the right button.
- Right Action Style
Text style for Right Text: plain (blue), done (semi-bold and blue), inactive (grey).
- Left Tap
A pulse that represents when the left button is tapped.
- Right Tap
A pulse that represents when the right button is tapped.
- Search Tap
A pulse that represents when the search bar is tapped.
- Height
A number representing the height of the navigation bar, in points.